View Full Version : Help locating air conditioning compressor correct for'58 Retractable with Polar Air
Have a '58 Retract with Polar A/C need the compressor correct for nation judging. A/C manual shows Tecumseh and Lehigh are correct, but can anyone tell me if a York compressor would be correct for judging? Where can I locate the correct compresor? Thanks for you help
Lynn B
12-24-2010, 09:24 PM
Hello Tag,
I am also looking for the correct compressor, pulleys, mounting brackets, condenser and dehydrator for the 58. I believe that the 58 TBird and the 58 Edsel has the same parts we are looking for. I found someone on Ebay that had a 58 AC setup, but after looking at the pictures, it turned out to be a 3rd party aftermarket installation, possibly Red Dot brand. After talking to my expert here in the North West, I was informed that the Lehigh was for 1957 and that they used the York Compressor in 1958. I know that the York is an aluminum body and the Techumseh was a Cast Iron body.
Let me know if you find what you are looking for and if they have any more plarts I might be able to use. I would also like to find the Select air setup for my car, instead of the dealer installed Polar Air that I have now.
Good luck hunting for the Compressor
Lynn Boast
02-10-2011, 07:03 AM
Hi Guy's, John and I have been talking about this recently. The pump you both are refering to, according to the manual is the Lehigh pump. I know it was used on Fords and Thunderbirds through 61', because it is illistrated in the 61' T-bird maual I have. I'm almost sure, unless someone correct's me with further documentation, that lehigh became, or was bought out by York. I know the 64' Galaxy's used the York pump we are used to seeing. That York pump is all over the place, on Ebay, in junk yards, etc. That stile of pump is accepted by the club for judging, it has for years. I found my condesor, compressor, and mount on Ebay a couple of years ago, so keep looking, and good luck!
Ron B.
03-14-2011, 11:44 PM
55-56-57 used the iron comp. I saw a 58 SD @ Carlisle last year w/Polaraire that had an iron one. I think the add-ons used the iron after the Selectaires went to the York style. Most all aftermarket kits used the alum York.
Ron B.
03-15-2011, 11:03 AM
Here are some photos of my retract; it's a 58 with Polar a/c.
03-16-2011, 05:06 PM
Hi Lars thanks for the photos showing your air conditioning . You really got up close good work . Walt
Ron B.
03-17-2011, 12:06 AM
The clutch and hoses look original. The compressor is a later replacement, looks like OEM 70's-80's. The car looks very original, you should take a lot of pictures for reference. Unrestored cars are getting very hard to find!
Ron B.
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