View Full Version : Inner fender's:
01-24-2011, 10:06 AM
Need to know if a 57 Inner fender will work on a 58? ( Right side ) a friend of mine has a 57 but live's 150 mile's away so it would help to be sure before I drive there. I know the 57 has a rased part in the top of the fender & the 58 is resesed. The inner fender on the 58 is notched for that but the 57 ?... Thank's Gregg!
If the 57 inner fender will not work for you, I could use a 57 RH inner fender please let me know.
02-07-2011, 08:29 AM
Hi Todd: My friend found he is going to need the inner fender for one of his restoration's so it look's like I can't talk him out of it for me. But we did find that the 57 would have to be adaped by the top of the fender to fit a 58. Sorry I couldn't help. Gregg..
02-07-2011, 06:47 PM
I took a look in the master parts catalog they show the same part number for the 57 and 58 Ford
B8A-16054-A [RH]
B8A-16055-A [LH].
Conserning the top of the fender the inner fender only runs to the inside of the fender and not under it. This is the main reason that fenders on 50's car rust out, no protection like newer cars.
03-01-2011, 06:36 PM
Dear Skymit: Thank's for the infomation But today I was able to inspect my friend's 57 & there is a differance? The part # might be the same but the year must change the part? The underneith of the top of the fender on the 57 is straight accross & on the 58 it has a notch in the top to accomadate the recess in the fender. Thank's Gregg...
03-03-2011, 10:17 AM
Hi Gregg
The parts manual was correct, you can use the 1958 part in either the 57 or 58 car. I'm sure the reason for this is Ford could stock one part that would work for either year. If you have the 57 inter fender you would have to cut the notch for it to fit on a 58 car. That's why the manual shows the 58 part with notch will fit both model years. In both cases there is a rubber weather strip that seals the inner fender against the bottom of the fender.
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