View Full Version : Ford "Aire Suspension"
Dave Owens
11-18-2010, 01:38 PM
Ford introduced the "Ford Aire Suspension" option for the 1958 model year. Ford produced only a few hundred cars with this option before dropping it. I have been told that fewer than 20 retractables were built with the option. At least 6 of these cars still exist and are owned by IFRC members. For those that may have never seen an aire suspension retractable I have included several pictures of my car that I am currently restoring.
Lynn B
11-19-2010, 12:29 PM
Hi Dave, Thanks for the pictures. I will try to post some of my Aire-Ride car pictures in the next few days. I wish I was as far along as you are on yours. (too many projects in the works right now.) I finally got the body off of mine, and I saw your other post where you mentioned using the door opening support when lifting the body. I strongly agree with this. It is Manditory to support this opening to prevent the body from bending. The other thing to make sure and do, is to take more photo's that you think you need of the restoration as each step is accomplished, Especially tagging and bagging the BODY SHIMS when it is removed. Many people have told me this will save A great ammount of time when you are reassyembling the car, and lining up the body to fenders and Etc. I have bought many bags of zip lock bags at the Dollar store, and used the felt marker to identify where they go along with a photo in the bag of how the part is installed. I do this with my aircraft restorations also and it really helps during the build up process.
02-19-2011, 01:57 PM
Hi Dave,
I have enjoyed looking at your pictures. I've looked at them several times and your car looks very nice. I was wondering about the valve covers without the Ford stamped in them. I've heard that that style was used on early 352's. Do you know if that is true? Thanks, Jim
Dave Owens
02-19-2011, 03:20 PM
Thanks for the compliment. You are correct, Ford used both.
02-22-2011, 10:11 PM
Thanks for posting the pictures. I have never seen the system berfore.
02-22-2011, 10:13 PM
The very early 58's used the "baldy" valve covers, then switched over to the stamped ones. The "baldys" were then used only on edsels.
Dave Owens
02-23-2011, 09:48 AM
A few weeks ago I swapped out the smooth valve covers for some Ford logo covers. My smooth ones had a few pits and other blemishes. Also with the logo I think they just look nicer.
02-23-2011, 05:19 PM
Hi Dave
Thanks for the post, keep the pictures comimg you have some good ones but your shop looks way to clean!!! It is always fun when I check the form and it has a new post.
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