View Full Version : Hi and Hello ! I'm a Newbie to this forum... and
BlackHorse Lady
05-15-2016, 08:04 PM
also a new owner of a '59 Skyliner - Beyond that I know nothing! Would appreciate if club members (or anyone else of knowledge) would welcome me and begin the laborious task of "raising me up right" in my new found endeavor. That being to restore my beautiful old gal to her former glory. I know that probably sounds like a formidable undertaking for those of you willing to get me started but I promise to just ask one questions at a time.
Dave Owens
05-17-2016, 08:42 AM
Congraduations on the purchase of your Skyliner. Forum members will certenly help you with your project. First thing if you have not joined the International Ford Retractable Club ( IFRC) yet, please do. The club has 900+ retractable owners. Second purchase the IFRC Tech manual, Top manual and Restoration Guidelines manual. Last make a vacation of it and attend the IFRC National Convention. There you will see some of the finest restored Skyliners in existace as well as meet those who restored and enjoy them. That is exactly what Patty and I did when we purchased and started our restoration journey 13 years ago. From basket case to Showcase this club will help get you there!
Dave Owens
05-17-2016, 11:15 PM
Congraduations on the purchase of your Skyliner. Forum members will certenly help you with your project. First thing if you have not joined the International Ford Retractable Club ( IFRC) yet, please do. The club has 900+ retractable owners. Second purchase the IFRC Tech manual, Top manual and Restoration Guidelines manual. Last make a vacation of it and attend the IFRC National Convention. There you will see some of the finest restored Skyliners in existace as well as meet those who restored and enjoy them. That is exactly what Patty and I did when we purchased and started our restoration journey 13 years ago. From basket case to Showcase this club will help get you there!
Dave Owens
Where can the Tech manual, Top, manual, and Restoration Guidelines manuals be purchased? I didn't see a link in IFRC's website. Maybe I just missed it.
Dave Owens
05-18-2016, 08:23 AM
Give Gloria a call. She will be able to assist you.
Gloria Dudt
P.O. Box E
Claysville, PA 15323
Phone: (724) 948-3661
05-19-2016, 06:59 AM
Hello Dave:
I did talk to Gloria about selling my 58 Aire Ride threw the club which I took a leave of abstance form 3 yrs ago. Any can I now advertise on the forum?
Thank you for your time.
Ron Lippert.
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