Shifter indicator
Finally made it back to Daytona Beach after six months in Wisconsin.I left the 59 in the garage down here in Fl.My neighbor started it for me once a week.Before I left I had the 4 barrel carb rebuilt.I also put in a new water pump.Anxious to get back to work on it.Next item I need to fix is the shifter indicator as it doesn’t line up with the letters.Has anyone addressed this problem in the past?Thanks
On my 57, if I remove the cover I think it was, I have access to the indicator pointer. Mine is just a piece of sheet metal secured by a screw and there is a thin tapered portion that serves as the pointer. I would say that you can bend it to line up properly. This is going by memory as I had the entire steering column off and apart this summer.
Thanks for the reply.I haven’t tackled that ,yet.I have to try to tighten the power steering belt.When I changed the water pump last year I guess I didn’t get it tight enough and it’s really making a noise. Darn air conditioner is in the way.
Shift Indicator
The indicator is held onto the shaft that moves with your shift lever and goes through the dash and attaches the transmission shift linkage. The pointer is indead a thin piece of sheet metal and it is held in place with a single philips head screw. The indicator has a slot in it to allow you to position it. You will need to drop the steering column to access this and I believe remove the indicator plate with the PDR12 on it. Additionally, there is some adjustment of the linkage down by the transmission lever if my memory is correct. That would be the easier place to start if you can do your adjustment there.